Begin at the Beginning

What I Treat, and Approaches I Use

I provide evidence-based and trauma-informed treatment to various communities for many different concerns including (but not limited to):

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or other Trauma-Related Disorder
therapy for PTSD, therapy for trauma
Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, Body Dysmorphia, etc.)
Journalist Trauma Support
journalist therapy, therapy for journalists
therapy for LGBTQIA+ needs
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or other Trauma-Related Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Oppositional Behavior Disorder
Interpersonal Skill Issues due to Intellectual Disability
Psychosexual counseling and assessment
Treatment with actors/actresses due to work-life stressors and needs

Some Treatment Modalities I Use:

Superhero Theory

Superhero theory was created by Dr. Janina Scarlet to integrate gaming and pop-culture (sci-fi, fantasy, and other pop-culture references) treatment techniques to help with presentations of depression, anxiety, trauma, and other psychological symptoms. These techniques have been shown to be effective with adults and adolescents alike. A large component of this technique follows that of Narrative Therapy but is integrated with other treatment techniques.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR has been an found to be an effective evidence based treatment modality for PTSD, C-PTSD, acute crises, anxiety and other concerns. Eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation seem to activate your problem-solving process, something that happens during REM sleep when our eyes dart back and forth. By focusing on a specific problem, and both its negative and positive emotions, sensations, and beliefs, then adding bilateral stimulation, your brain begins problem solving. Since you are focused on the specific problem, our brain is able to work through it more effectively than if it randomly comes up while you are sleeping.

(video credit: EMDR International Association)

The Gottman Method

The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy is based on Dr. John Gottman's research that began in the 1970's and continues to this day. The research has focused on what makes relationships succeed or fail. From this research, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have created a method of therapy that emphasizes a "nuts-and-bolts" approach to improving clients' relationships.

This method is designed to help teach specific tools to deepen frienship and intimacy in your relationship. To help you productively manage conflicts, you will be given methods to manage "resolvable problems" and dialogue about "gridlocked" (or perpetual) issues. We will also work together to help you appreciate your relationship's strengths and to gently navigate through its vulnerabilities.

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)

We have experiences in our life that may have had lasting effects. These experiences are what is described as Big “t” traumas or Little “t” traumas. The big or little "t" identifies the level of intensity the trauma may have had on ourselves. Narrative exposure therapy utilizes the story that has been internalized about the trauma and processes this narrative allowing for reflection of one’s entire life granting a sense of freedom.

Play Therapy

A child communicates not only with communication but through play. Play therapy provides a child the ability to share a thought, feeling, emotion, or experience with the greater mastery than through verbal communication. It is also a way to support a child to feel more comfortable with themselves and feel more in control.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

ABA is not only a great tool for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder but also for any individually wanting to change a behavior. ABA is a treatment approach that looks at behaviors as a response and a way to communicate. With the use of ABA, behavioral interventions and breaking down of the meaning of the behaviors, provides a different way of understanding a behavioral outburst or limited behavioral response.

Mindfulness and Sensory Integration Techniques

Your senses could manifest different reactions and feelings from the world around you. Your senses also allow for grounding oneself and remembering of past events. Mindfulness brings oneself into the present and helps to become more self-aware and reflective of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.